Showing posts with the label Finance

Sulit Mengatur Keuangan? Coba Gunakan Salah Satu Dari 6 Aplikasi Ini

WORDBND.COM - WordFinance.  Setiap orang memiliki caranya masing-masing dalam mengatur keuangan. Tapi kebanyakan dari…

Investor 'Kelas Kakap' SoftBank Bakal Suntik Jutaan Dollar Ke StartUp Ini di 2021

WORDBND.COM - WordBusiness.  SoftBank dikenal sebagai investor yang royal menyuntikkan dana hingga jutaan dolar ke st…

Cek Daftar 10 Provinsi Dengan UMP Tertinggi Indonesia

Rupiah Indonesia WORDBND.COM - WordFinance.  Pemerintah memutuskan upah minimun provinsi (UMP) 2021 tidak naik atau s…

How America Can Lobby Into a 3.5 Billion Industry

How America Can Lobby Into a 3.5 Billion Industry WORDBND.COM - WordFinance.  Lobbying is arguably the American gover…

Because of Corona, This Man's Wealth Increases USD 2,7 Billion Each Month!

Li Xiting - by WORDBND.COM - Wordfinance.  Li Xiting is a Chinese-born man who is the second richest person in…

Plus-Minus Aturan Baru Penurunan Bunga Kartu Kredit Bagi Bank

Plus-Minus Aturan Baru Penurunan Bunga Kartu Kredit Bagi Bank -  Keputusan Bank Indonesia dalam…

'Bad credit card' - what's that's?

pict by; -  Bad debt credit card is basically a credit card that the credit card su…

Agency card credit debt settlement. Should I use an agency for credit card debt settlement?

image by: -  Some people like to deal with their credit card debt all by thems…

Pay off credit card debt After you pay off credit card debt

pict by: -  Credit card debt is a very big problem that is being faced by a lo…

A problem called ‘Credit Card Debt‘

Pict By: -  Credit cards are no more a luxury, they are almost a necessity. So, you…

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