Millennials Must Have These 3 Insurance, Don't Regret It!
WORDBND.COM - WordLife. Insurance products are needed by the millennial generation. Because, by having insurance you can anticipate an unwanted situation, both now and in the future.
There are many benefits that you will get if you have insurance. Among them will be protected from accident costs and even death.
So that you don't choose the wrong choice, here are the types of insurance that you must have from a young age.
1. Health insurance
CEO of Financial Planner, Finansialku Melvin Mumpuni explained that health insurance is very important for the millennial generation, namely health insurance. The reason is because everyone can get sick and be hospitalized.
"If we do not have protection, especially health insurance, the cost of treatment can damage our finances," he told the IDN Times, Sunday (9/27/2020).
Well, if you already have facilities from the office, you should be grateful. What you need to do, make sure that the facility is in accordance with your needs.
2. Life insurance
Millennials are obliged to have these 3 insurances, don't regret it! Investment illustration (IDN Times / Arief Rahmat)
According to Melvin, life insurance is needed by young people. Especially for those who have dependents, such as spouses and children, dependents of parents and for those of you who are getting married in the near future. According to him, this insurance is important, because the person depends on your income, and must be held accountable.
He gave an example, if you who are the backbone of the family die, then there are a number of funds called life insurance coverage, which can be used to replace the income of the family you have left behind.
3. Vehicle insurance
Currently, there are many millennials who already own private vehicles, such as motorbikes to cars, so millennials cannot miss this type of vehicle insurance. With this product, the risk of damage and loss to your vehicle will be protected.
Source: Idntimes