“But on balance, I’m a bigger fan of Edison than Tesla because Edison brought his stuff to market and made those inventions accessible to the world, whereas Tesla didn’t really do that.”
“Aku lebih mengidolakan Edison daripada Tesla, karena Edison dapat mengolah temuannya untuk dapat dijual di pasar dan membuat penemuan tersebut dapat diakses oleh dunia, sementar Tesla tidak melakukan itu.”
Musk melanjutkan,
“As far as role models, I think there’s obviously somebody, the obvious role models. I think Edison was certainly a role model probably one of the biggest role models.”
“Menurutku Edison adalah role model (panutan) terbesar.”
“But on balance, I’m a bigger fan of Edison than Tesla because Edison brought his stuff to market and made those inventions accessible to the world, whereas Tesla didn’t really do that.”
“Aku lebih mengidolakan Edison daripada Tesla, karena Edison dapat mengolah temuannya untuk dapat dijual di pasar dan membuat penemuan tersebut dapat diakses oleh dunia, sementar Tesla tidak melakukan itu.”
Musk melanjutkan,
“As far as role models, I think there’s obviously somebody, the obvious role models. I think Edison was certainly a role model probably one of the biggest role models.”
“Menurutku Edison adalah role model (panutan) terbesar.”